Weekend reading: The Eye of God

Weekend reading: The Eye of God

Spending the day away from people in the company of an elite scientific military team racing against time to save the world. In the mix are dark matter, the Vatican, the fall of the Roman Empire, a skull encrypted with ancient Aramaic, a book bound in human skin, Genghis Khan, a falling satellite that caught images of the Earth’s destruction in the future, Christianity’s true origins… Oh, and there’s a hint of romance and gunfights galore. All in all, this seems like a rollicking good read. Just what I need to forget about humans for awhile.

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My name is Terrie. I write for a living and blog for pleasure. Some days, I get up in the morning and know precisely what kind of day it is. At other times, I get knocked over for a loop. People seem to like confiding in me. When I was younger, I thought I knew everything and can tell you what you need to do if you ask me. Now that I'm older, I realize I don't know anything. That's been my motivation for the blog and for writing. To figure out the unknown and unknowable.

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