On aging bravely

As a fortysomething woman, I found this to be a hilarious-yet-true account on how women, as we grow older, become more self-confident about our bodies, flab and all. It’s as if a switch is turned on when you reach 40 and suddenly, you’re filled with an IDGAF attitude about what people think of you. Not to say that I suddenly got all confident about showing off my body, but I’ve certainly let go of many of the insecurities I’ve had when I was younger. I still remember feeling embarrassed when I wore a pair of shorts to a screenwriting workshop and one of the guys started teasing me in front of the whole room, and everyone laughed! (His comment was: “Ooh, look at Terrie in shorts! She’s so brave!”) I wanted to go home and change! And now, looking at my photos back then, I wondered why I was so embarrassed. I wish I had the gumption back then to smack the guy on his head for making me feel bad. But that’s insecurity for you.

I still have cellulite, my body jiggles more than it should, my tummy could do with more crunches to reduce its size, and my arms are like noodles. But you know what? I wore my first two-piece bikini in my 40s and it was liberating. It’s all good.

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My name is Terrie. I write for a living and blog for pleasure. Some days, I get up in the morning and know precisely what kind of day it is. At other times, I get knocked over for a loop. People seem to like confiding in me. When I was younger, I thought I knew everything and can tell you what you need to do if you ask me. Now that I'm older, I realize I don't know anything. That's been my motivation for the blog and for writing. To figure out the unknown and unknowable.

2 thoughts on “On aging bravely”

  1. Hahaha! Isn’t it great? When I was young, I used to be embarrassed when my mom would chat up strangers and sometimes tell them what to do (in a nice way… in other words, unsolicited advice). And now, I have to consciously curb the impulse to go “If I were you…” to people! All I can say is, there are great benefits to being older. :p


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