Epic battle

Saw this on 9Gag and it amused me greatly. So how many movie characters can you name? There’s supposed to be 100 in this clip. Fun!


There is a great disturbance in the Force

(Image from The New York Times obit. Read the article here.)

Carrie Fisher — Princess Leia Organa to fans — has died today. May the Force be with her.

Continue reading There is a great disturbance in the Force

Wonder Woman is here!

So this is weird. This trailer for Wonder Woman, which premiered at the recent San Diego Comic Con, made me teary-eyed. It surprised me, my reaction. Imagine, a grownup getting emotional about a female superhero! And she wasn’t even my favorite superhero back then.

Continue reading Wonder Woman is here!

When you can’t do anything, and your back is killing you…

… you update your blog by posting an amusing picture of Disney princesses in their dressing room… And what is Belle reading? *gasp*

Source: Eumenidi on deviantart. This piece is entitled “7:15 a.m.”

Because it’s a rainy Tuesday and we all need a little Chungking Express to get us through the week

[Reblogged from Chopsuey Cinema]

Why else do we …

Why else do we read fiction, anyway? Not to be impressed by somebody’s dazzling language—or at least I hope that’s not our reason. I think that most of us, anyway, read these stories that we know are not ‘true’ because we’re hungry for another kind of truth: The mythic truth about human nature in general, the particular truth about those life-communities that define our own identity, and the most specific truth of all: our own self-story. Fiction, because it is not about somebody who actually lived in the real world, always has the possibility of being about ourself.”

— Orson Scott Card, from the introduction of Ender’s Game

By the way, the latest trailer for the movie is kick-ass awesome and Asa Butterfield looks like how I envisioned Ender to be! Notwithstanding the controversy surrounding the movie, I personally can’t wait to watch it!

A Waltz for a Night

Just watched Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. I remember being bowled over by these movies before, not least because all they really did in both movies was talk. I mean, how did these movies ever get made? But they did, and one of the most magical and romantic cinematic pairings was immortalized onscreen.

This was the last scene of the second movie. Celine (Julie Delpy — who knew she could sing?? I didn’t when I first saw this movie!) sings Jessie (Ethan Hawke) a song about the night they spent together nine years ago. Hooray for second chances and do-overs, huh?

Can’t wait for the third movie.