On aging bravely

As a fortysomething woman, I found this to be a hilarious-yet-true account on how women, as we grow older, become more self-confident about our bodies, flab and all. It’s as if a switch is turned on when you reach 40 and suddenly, you’re filled with an IDGAF attitude about what people think of you. Not to say that I suddenly got all confident about showing off my body, but I’ve certainly let go of many of the insecurities I’ve had when I was younger. I still remember feeling embarrassed when I wore a pair of shorts to a screenwriting workshop and one of the guys started teasing me in front of the whole room, and everyone laughed! (His comment was: “Ooh, look at Terrie in shorts! She’s so brave!”) I wanted to go home and change! And now, looking at my photos back then, I wondered why I was so embarrassed. I wish I had the gumption back then to smack the guy on his head for making me feel bad. But that’s insecurity for you.

I still have cellulite, my body jiggles more than it should, my tummy could do with more crunches to reduce its size, and my arms are like noodles. But you know what? I wore my first two-piece bikini in my 40s and it was liberating. It’s all good.

Better late than never…

It’s been a turbulent and hectic last quarter of 2015, which is why I haven’t posted anything for the past few months. I’m hoping 2016 will be kinder so I can write more.

In the meantime, to remind me that I should do just that, I am posting this link to an article in The Guardian: Ten Things I Learned About Writing from Stephen King. The advice is nothing we haven’t seen in other articles like this. But numbers 5 and 6 did resonate: Number 5 was, “Aim big. Or small.” and 6 was “Write all the time. Write a lot.” So these are what I will be doing more of this year. Hopefully I get to keep this promise.

See you soon!

Kitchen experiment: Tuna cakes

tuna cakes

What do you do when you’re not really feeling any of the leftovers in the fridge for lunch? If you’re like me, you experiment (so long as said recipe experiment wasn’t too complicated, of course! I don’t pretend to be a great cook).

So here was the situation: After a long morning wrestling with editorial plans, I was getting hungry. I could eat a banana or a tub of yogurt but that was not going to sustain me for long. A glance at the pantry showed that there were canned corned beef; I could make a quick corned beef hash (that’s always good, but we’ve had that recently). There were also packets of instant noodles (not an option, unless there wasn’t anything left to eat and we’re in a midst of a zombie apocalypse. Nothing against instant noodles, but I ate a lot of it growing up and during college. Also, I was trying to eat healthy)… Ooh, there’s canned tuna. Wonder what I can make with that. Quesadillas? An option, except that I have to open a packet of tortillas and only use one or two of them. I didn’t want to add to the leftovers in the fridge. Hmmm, tuna salad? Yes. But yikes, no bread.

Continue reading Kitchen experiment: Tuna cakes

Midday, Humpday Reflection: Boobs

I was inspired by the nymag.com article to draw my own pair

This is a somewhat odd, middle of the week post. I don’t usually overshare personal reflections in this blog, but I just came across the article, “New York Women Draw Their Own Boobs” on nymag.com, which amused me. Reading it, I had an immediate flashback to my mom, getting dressed. I don’t know if she would appreciate me sharing this, but she’s not shy about getting dressed in front of her kids, even now that we’re grownups. When she needed to take off or put on a top, for instance, and we happened to barge into her bedroom to ask her something or talk to her, she would just blithely go on doing what she was doing, without self-consciousness, as if it were perfectly natural for her kids to see her naked. And we all got used to it, growing up. It was just mom being mom.

Continue reading Midday, Humpday Reflection: Boobs

For women everywhere — heck, for men, too!

Let’s celebrate us in all our quirky, wonderful and beautiful glory! Happy International Women’s Day. The  images below are from a series of watercolors called “Women Defined” by a brilliant artist named Jay. I first saw Jay’s work while trawling the Internet, particularly from my godchild’s tumblog and a few others. And finally found the source, which I am linking here. Aren’t these images wonderful and empowering? And as she says in her blog, aren’t we awesome?

Lunchtime break: Random quotes

Ever since high school, I’ve jotted down quotes and passages from books, magazine articles, TV shows and movies I’ve watched, people I’ve met and even overheard conversations of random people in various notebooks that I’ve been lugging around with me ever since. But with the advent of Facebook and the various incarnations of social media (like this blog), my tendency to record stuff has tapered off, which is really a pity because jotting things down was sort of how I kept track of things that happened in my life (“Ahh! Wrote this while I was having coffee with whatshername and she told me about that thing with whatshisface…” stuff like that) or was a good creative source whenever I feel blocked about what I’m writing — which is what is happening now, actually. However, this past weekend, after updating my phone’s software, I was scrolling through my notes, and it turns out I’ve been jotting down or taking photos of random stuff and I just haven’t really realized it. So I’m putting them here, before I delete them forever from the phone. Warning, some are sappy, some are wise, some I’ve posted on my Instagram or posted on Facebook, some are funny and some are just plain, “huh?”

Continue reading Lunchtime break: Random quotes

Pretty in pink

Pretty in pink

Because looking at this goofy adorable face makes me laugh and want to go home and play with her. I hope she grows up to be funny and sassy, confident and kind, intelligent and streetsmart, delightful yet down-to-earth, able to wear princessy pink dresses but still want to look goofy and fun — the kind who wears sneakers under all the frou-frou

[originally posted in tumblr]