Winona forever!

So this is how we might picture Winona Ryder, after all these years: the former cool girl in repose, grown into a comfortably complicated adult, not in search of a comeback so much as another great book to read. That doesn’t mean her life is simple or easy, of course. “It’s almost like that Twilight Zone episode where that guy says, ‘I just want to be left alone so I can read my books,’ ” she says with a smile. “And then he ends up being sent to a planet where it’s just him and his books, and he’s so happy, and then his glasses fall off and they break.”

Just got through reading Winona’s profile on The Cut and yes, it’s a celebrity interview so it should be fluffy, but this is about Winona, so the piece couldn’t be fluffy if it tried. She’s just such an oddball in that strange way most of us GenXers were (are?). I still have not watched Stranger Things — yes, I know, I’m late to the program — but I am glad she’s acting again. Had to post that quote above from the article, because it just made me laugh in kinship. Aside from the fact that she loves to read and is a little spacey, that Twilight Zone episode is one of my favorites. And so, given all this, I totally think Winona and I would be great friends should we ever meet. Haha! #girlcrush

Anyway, here’s the full profile. Go read it over at The Cut.


Wonder Woman is here!

So this is weird. This trailer for Wonder Woman, which premiered at the recent San Diego Comic Con, made me teary-eyed. It surprised me, my reaction. Imagine, a grownup getting emotional about a female superhero! And she wasn’t even my favorite superhero back then.

Continue reading Wonder Woman is here!

Game of Thrones

For those who need a backgrounder or a refresher on the show, the books and the stories behind it all. For the Unsullied and book experts alike.

EDIT: Aside from the fabulous art, I love that it’s narrated by the characters in the show. The stories in this video (as well as the other videos for Season 1) narrate the background and history of Westeros, pre- and post-invasion by the Andals as well as backgrounds on the major houses featured in the show. There are vids for Seasons 2-4 as well. Fans would do well to subscribe to Mayes T’s channel on YouTube to watch everything. Enjoy!

The benefits of reading

This isn’t why I love to read — I read because it relaxes me, it’s pleasurable and allows me to travel to different worlds and realities. But it’s great that there are actually health benefits to one of my favorite activities. 🙂

[infographic borrowed from this link: The Benefits of Reading]

Midweek break: Clap along if you’re happy

Citizens of Tacloban and environs sing and dance to Pharell’s “Happy”. Got this vid from a friend who posted it on Facebook, and I loved it so much decided to post it here as well. This made me smile and the day brighter. Maybe because things happen so quickly in the Philippines — a situation can go from bad to worse in an instant, or can turn the other way and become a celebration — or we’re just so used to things not going our way, devastating natural disasters, venal politicians, stupid laws, widespread poverty, are just some of things that come to mind, that we have a deeper wellspring of goodwill, humor and positivity to draw from. So God bless the people featured here for being able to smile and, yes, look at the positive side even if there is devastation all around. Best coping mechanism ever.

Lunchtime break: Random quotes

Ever since high school, I’ve jotted down quotes and passages from books, magazine articles, TV shows and movies I’ve watched, people I’ve met and even overheard conversations of random people in various notebooks that I’ve been lugging around with me ever since. But with the advent of Facebook and the various incarnations of social media (like this blog), my tendency to record stuff has tapered off, which is really a pity because jotting things down was sort of how I kept track of things that happened in my life (“Ahh! Wrote this while I was having coffee with whatshername and she told me about that thing with whatshisface…” stuff like that) or was a good creative source whenever I feel blocked about what I’m writing — which is what is happening now, actually. However, this past weekend, after updating my phone’s software, I was scrolling through my notes, and it turns out I’ve been jotting down or taking photos of random stuff and I just haven’t really realized it. So I’m putting them here, before I delete them forever from the phone. Warning, some are sappy, some are wise, some I’ve posted on my Instagram or posted on Facebook, some are funny and some are just plain, “huh?”

Continue reading Lunchtime break: Random quotes

Geekery: 15-minute Game of Thrones preview

This totally made my Monday! I promised myself that will I stop posting the same thing on the different social media platforms I’m on (especially on my Tumblr, which I’ve hijacked for the 100 Happy Days Challenge), but I have to make an exception of this. I can’t wait for April!

And I need to get a move on with reading the books. Lordy….